The Hero/Heroine's Journey - David Salomon

The Hero's Journey has ben popularised in a formulaic way by screen writers for movies. But it's power lies in the fact that it reflects what it's originator, Joseph Campbell called the Mono-myth, the structure that underlies all of the great stories form cultures all over the world. Campbell was strongly influenced by the work of Dr Carl Jung who recognised that dress and memories also reflect the same ethic structure. It is an invaluable personal and social development tool taken up by the human potentials movement notable amongst them Dr Jean Houston.

My journey with Campbell's seminal work, "Hero with a Thousand Faces" began while I was studying to become a teacher, fascinated with the role of story in purveying education. I gave a number of presentations at Soul Talks in Adelaide in 2017 in preparation for a more complete workshop series.

Your Spirit Calling - Carrie Faggotter

Aligning to the signs and synchronicites of your life.
In 2011 Carrie followed her calling to establish Manifestation Divine - a transformational healing and coaching service supporting people to connect to their own Divine wisdom. Experience how you can tap into, trust and follow the signs of your life. Your spirit knows the way. Here is a replay of her presentation at Soul Talks in July 2017.
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