The Hero/Heroine's Journey: Threshold Crossing


There's hardly a circumstance in life where the Hero's Journey does offer a larger perspective. It is a device which reflects our inner and outer aspects of our life and a powerful way of becoming aware of the meta levels of our experience. The last post discussed the first stages of the journey, the call, gathering allies and magical helpers.

Having heeded the call, gathered allies together and with magical help at the ready, the hero / heroine sets out on their adventure. At the threshold of adventure they meet a guardian. In myths it is often fearsome or monstrous creature, symbolic of the fears that would have us avoid the unknown. Cerberus the three headed dog, springs to mind, but it comes in many forms, for example in the Matrix, it is symbolised in choosing between the red pill and the blue pill. Getting past the threshold guardian in a matter of wit and cunning more than outright strength.

The threshold tests the hero / heroine's desire and preparedness for the adventure. Without the right attitude and determination they are unlikely to reach their destination safely. Preparation is everything and meeting the threshold guardian in a fit state is like the flight check before taking off. If something is detected amiss, the flight is delayed for having set out there is no turning back.

There may come a time when the energy for change becomes so great that adventure becomes imperative. Nothing less will be sufficient. In the movies, a threshold guardian is often external but it can be internal also. In adventure sports, for instance, the threshold refers to the commitment, courage and confidence required to be able to take action. Stepping of the end of the high diving board, out of the plane to parachute, illustrate the point from which there is no turning back. It also has its internal equivalent.

This idea of threshold guardian is well known to folk practice. It is demonstrated beautifully in Chinatowns all over the world where the entrance is watched over by statutes of mythic creatures. Malign spirits that would create havoc are denied entry by the threshold guardians, not to test readiness to embark on a dangerous journey but to protect a sanctuary as it were. Same function, different purpose. Guardians on the threshold to adventure can see in to the heart of each individual that passes and assesses them on their own merits. It is irrelevant who your allies are and what magical helpers you ay have. It is you and you alone that is tested at the threshold because you are venturing on a journey that no one can do for you. It is an expression of your own creativity and the outcome will be to make you more authentically yourself. Usually the threshold is an entrance to alone waypath of crossing. Once experienced your world will never be the same again.

In crossing the threshold the hero / heroine cresses into what Campbell calls 'The World of Amplified Being'. Here everything is fresh and alive, like a holiday in a part of the world never experienced before. It can be a state of heightened creativity, an awakened state, falling in love, being in the flow, experiencing oneself as part of everything. What often follows can come as a shock. Campbell calls it, 'The Belly of the Whale', the subject of the next post.

The image is from the Labyrinth at Urrbrae House in Adelaide, South Australia. The threshold crossing can be seen as the stairs leading down to the entrance.

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